When people come across a fat person you automatically think they are lazy,eat a lot,ugly,have no sense of style, and they are prone to disease!!!

Anyone is predisposed to none communicable diseases such as hypertension,diabetes and cancer even without being overweight!!! Unhealthy and being overweight do not correspond with each other.Some overweight people work out more than the thin people you see out here,additionally some are very beautiful and successful and not lazy at all.

My story with weight goes back when I was six years old. Kids would laugh at me and report to me to my class teacher telling her that I was fat.The class teacher was kind enough to tell them to stop with the shenanigans.

I never lost the weight,In upper primary,Kids started calling me big Daddy and eventually yokozuna who were reowned wrestlers by then.It hurt but I would continue actively play with them.Children don’t keep grudges we worry about playing and homework.

In form one I never got a uniform that would fit me.We were three girls and our uniform came in later.Our school was generous enough to provide for us with uniforms but nothing is free in Kenya and it handsomely reflected on our school fees. It was hard for our skirts to be stolen who would they fit??. I lost some weight and my skirts started dissappearing.By form four I had gained all the weight back because we were to read and not be involved in extra curricular activities.

Life out there was mean,young adults would see me as an unkempt lady who would never marry because of my weight.Once a lady had the audacity to claim mum was worried too,I never asked my mother because if she had said it my sister would have known and trust me she can’t keep her mouth shut.I eventually lost the weight but it all came back again as I was stressed,remember the first story where I told you guys I stayed for eight years at home????

Well the thing with fat people is addiction to food,you see food accepts us,it’s there when dumped,rejected,depressed etc.Food gives us comfort,food feels the void that is left in us when terrible things happen to us,just like others it’s sex,alcohol,drugs etc that will fill up that void.We never realise that we are hurting our bodies until it starts to show and people start judging us.We are not talkers or fighters we just eat when having a hard time and it’s an addiction yes an addiction.

When I discovered that my love of food had taken over my life,I went to see a Dr who brushed it off,and it hurt. I tried everything but I failed,you see working out does very little if you still eating like a cow.

Someone once told me we join the gym,I did and in an year I was still the same size.I was too afraid to tell her that I’m always obsessed with food.While others are fantasing about dating,makeup etc I fantasize about food,I felt I was in bondage.Yea bondage no wonder the Bible tell us that self control is a fruit of the holy Spirit and gluttony is a sin.The thing is how do you go to your pastor and tell her or him that I need deliverance from food?!!?

I have managed not to add more weight,I can now control what I eat and I do yoga as I upgrade to more extensive exercise.Food doesn’t control me now,I control it.I eat just enough cause I can,I don’t have to over eat until I feel my stomach is paining.I don’t have to use laxatives to diarrhoea all the food I’ve eaten or induce vomitting,more so I don’t use slimming pills or overdo exercises to burn all the food that I uncontrollably ate,naaa I’m in control.

I backslide just like any other person who is addicted to anything else other than food.I have a sponsor,yes my hubby who is responsible for my food portions,if I overeat I report to him and we find out the underlying problem and deal with the issues in order for me to stay on track.He loves me just the way I am and the more reason to loose more weight inorder for us to be sexy together.

Food is a real problem out here to mostly women and girls and the males too.Next time when you see a fat person be kind,help him or her to develop a good relationship with food other than just suggesting gym.Teach them to love themselves because it’s so hard to love something and in the end hurt it.Food can hurt and heal your body,when you over use food it hurts you and it is reflected in ones weight,Being overly thin is also hurting oneself.

Teach them to accept that they have a problem that cannot be solved by exercise alone.They need to see food differently and not a person who is there to comfort them.They need to accept their fat bodies and love their fat bodies.When they do so, the body in tune with their spirit and soul will fine tune their brain .Their brain will alert them when to stop eating ,the brain together with their spirit will help them serve smaller portions of food.It is not a must you complete that food that you have been served.If dinning in a restaurant you can tell them to pack it for you and eat the food when you are actually hungry or simply give it to the street kids to eat.At home you can store the food for later.

Water will curb your appetite and will keep you feeling full throughout the day,besides wrinkles will be kept a bay.Once you have mastered the art of food,start exercising with love for your body ,this is a healing process. Eventually the intensity of exercise will increase and one-day the results will manifest.

I can’t write on how to help overly thin people cause I have never been on that road before all I can say Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa are real medical conditions associated with food under mental illness that can be addressed by a Mental Health specialists in Kenya.

2 thoughts on “WEIGHTY ISSUES

  1. I love this article most people don’t realize that there are mental conditions of which eating disorder is one of .Kenya has not paid much attention to mental health and has not established structures to hand them.most people don’t know the effort it take to loss weight,the physical and mental exhaustion. Thank you for this piece and God bless you on your journey to looking sexy.


    1. Thank you,and they see very thin people and they think they are alright yet they are addicted to slimming pills,laxatives and inducing vomitting which causes health issues


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